7 Fun Outdoor Activities to Keep Kids Cool During the Summer

7 Fun Outdoor Activities to Keep Kids Cool During the Summer

Summer is here and it’s time for some outdoor fun! Staying cool during the hot summer days can be a challenge, but there are plenty of ways to keep children entertained without having them overheat. Here are seven fun outdoor summer activities that will keep kids cool and entertained all season long.

Watermelon Races

This classic summer dinner game is always sure to bring about lots of laughter. Have the children split into teams and race each other with a watermelon half balanced on a spoon from one end of the yard to the other. The team that completes the race first wins!

Sprinkler Tag

This game combines tag with running through sprinklers – what more could a kid ask for? One person is designated as ‘it’ while everyone else runs around attempting to avoid getting tagged by standing in the cool water. If someone gets tagged they become ‘it’ next, and so on!

Homemade Slip-n-Slide

A homemade slip-n-slide can provide hours of entertainment – plus its easy to make! All you need is an old tarp, some dish soap, and a hose – lay out your tarp in the yard, spray it down with soapy water from the hose then let kids run wild! For extra fun add in some balls or colorful ribbons for them to chase after.

Sidewalk Chalk Art

This classic outdoor activity never fails at keeping kids cool and creative at the same time! Gather up sidewalk chalk in any color imaginable, set up an area in your driveway or backyard then let their imaginations take off as they create unique works of art using those vibrant colors.

Playground Obstacle Course

Turn any playground into an obstacle course by challenging kids physically, mentally, and creatively! Set up different obstacles such as jumping over hula hoops or playing fetch with a frisbee that they have to complete before they go onto next station – this will definitely keep them occupied for hours (while also helping them stay active).

Ninja Road Race

Fourth of July may be over but don’t let that stop your little ones from enjoying this exciting road race twist on traditional egg races! Divide into two team each player taking turns passing around various obstacles – small cones, jump ropes etc… The teams have to work together quickly if they want their ‘egg’ (a beanbag would work too) to make it safely back home before time runs out.

Ice Cube Treasure Hunt

Using frozen containers full of ice cubes(baggies work great!), hide tiny trinkets inside then bury them randomly throughoutthe garden/backyard for an afternoon treasure hunt adventure! As children dig up these surprises encourage them use observational skills like size shape color descriptions identify what type object hidden inside each cube.

Indoor Activities:

Indoor activities can be just as fun and cool as outdoor activities! Here are a few ideas:

Arts & Crafts: Arts & crafts provide endless hours of entertainment for kids. Let their imaginations run wild with projects like painting, drawing, building LEGO sets, or jewelry making.

Game Night: Gather up some classic board games, like Monopoly or Clue and have a game night in. This is sure to be an exciting evening for the whole family!

Movie Night: Set up a movie night at home with cozy pillows and blankets. Let kids pick their favorite flicks then serve snacks like popcorn or homemade ice cream sundaes while they watch.

Painting: Create a space for painting at home and provide paints, paper, and other materials. Kids can make beautiful pieces of art while staying cool indoors (bonus points if they use their favorite characters as inspiration).

Story Telling: Have kids make up their own stories, or read classic tales together. This allows them to use their imaginative skills and develop a love of literature!

Cooking: Kids love being creative in the kitchen! Assign each member of the family to create their own dish using ingredients from the pantry. Have everyone present what they created at dinner time and enjoy a fun meal made with love!

Indoor Scavenger Hunt: Divide kids into teams and provide a list of items for them to find around the house. The first team to finish scavenging all the items wins! This is sure to be an exciting competition between siblings or friends.

Yoga: Yoga can help keep your family cool both physically and mentally. Spend an afternoon doing simple yoga poses and stretching together, while having fun and building strength.

Baking: Spend an afternoon baking their favorite treats like cookies or cake. Kids will have fun mixing the ingredients, while you teach them important kitchen skills!

Dance Party: Turn up the music and get grooving in your living room. Move to the beat of your family’s favorite songs together for a guaranteed good time.

Icecream making: Whip up a batch of delicious ice cream with items from the pantry. Kids will love making their own flavors and topping combinations. Then, enjoy it together for dessert!

Indoor bowling: Set up empty water bottles or plastic cups in an indoor “bowling alley” and let kids practice their aim with a ball. Keep score to make it even more fun!

Card Games: Gather the family around a table and break out a deck of cards for some friendly competition. Classic card games like go fish or crazy eights are great for all ages.

Indoor Picnic: Invite your family on an indoor picnic with blankets and pillows spread across your living room floor. Pack sandwiches, fruit, and snacks for a fun mid-day meal.

Egg Race: Create an egg race where the goal is to move their ‘egg’ (a beanbag or small ball would work too) from one end of the room to the other as quickly as possible before time runs out. Have kids use different objects like spoons, cups, or even their hands to get their egg safely back home!

These activities are sure to keep your family cool while beating the heat this summer. All you need is a little bit of creativity and imagination!

These activities are sure to keep your kids entertained and cool during those hot summer days! So set aside some time for fun, grab a few supplies and let the creative adventures begin!

Hope this helps! Have a nice day 🙂

These are just a few ideas to help keep kids entertained during the summer heat! With a little creativity and some fun activities, kids can have an exciting summer without getting too hot. Happy Summertime!

No matter what kind of activities you choose, it’s important to make sure your kids are staying cool and hydrated during the hot summer months. With these fun ideas, your little ones will be entertained all season long!

Enjoy your summer! 🙂

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